Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Happy Birthday, Husband!

Happy Birthday, Husband!! Today is your 33rd birthday, and I am so glad we get to spend it as husband and wife now :) You are such an incredible man, husband, father and friend (along with many other descriptive words...), and I'm so thankful that I get to call you mine! We've made a lot of memories together over the past year of your life, and each one of them has been so special. I would need about four more of these collages to include everything I wanted to, but for now, here are some of my favorites :)

You are always so loving and supportive of me, and I hope that I can be all of that to you. You make me laugh so much with all your silly sayings and actions, and I'm so glad that you do! Life would be way too boring without you, that's for sure. I love your silly dance moves and that you'll only do that around me. I love how much you love our doggie :)

Thank you for always helping me around the house with things like laundry and dishes, especially since I hate those things the most. Thank you for doing all the "manly" things too like trash and lawn care. Thank you for just being you, and being so amazing. I know you know how much I love you, but I also felt it necessary to tell you here in this blog-letter too. So babes, you mean the world to me, and I'll love you forever and always!

Looking forward to taking you out on a date tonight to celebrate your special day. Bring on the giant pizza slices and the Amazing Spiderman! I love you hubby!!
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Happy Herron said...

So sweet!! Happy Birthday Jeff!

The White Family said...

Happy Birthday to Jeff!!!

Timbuckto said...

Thank you, my very sweet wife! I'm so glad I have the chance to spend the rest of my life married to you!

Brianne said...

Happy Birthday to the Mr.!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jeff!