1. Went to kick boxing last night, and felt great about it actually. Then Angie and I grabbed a super yummy and mostly healthy dinner at Zoe's Kitchen. I also saw two old girlfriends from high school, so we chatted for a few minutes, and made plans to have dinner together one night.
2. Shopping at Francesca's!And then while Angie and I were sitting there, I glanced up at the big sign for that little complex, and saw Francesca's on it! I had no idea we had even gotten one, but apparently it's been there for a few months now. So we walked over and browsed for a while, and Angie got a really cute skirt. And that was our first shopping trip together! #besties ;)
3. Jeff bought me some sunflowers at Trader Joe's last Friday night, and they're still looking gorgeous! So I took a couple of them outside for a little photo shoot. I needed a new picture for a blog button, because I'm sponsoring Living in Yellow this month, so I wanted to use these beauties for that!
4. Four-day work week. Duh.
5. I stumbled into a new hairstyle (for myself, every other girl in the world was already doing this I'm sure), and I'm wearing my cute little side braid to work today. I feel cute and sassy, and my hair isn't all up in my face bothering me. Win-win.
Tonight, Jeff and I are going over to help my parents in their back yard, and get the pool cleaned up and ready for summer time. And then we'll be going back over again tomorrow, because there's no way we will finish it all in just a few short, after-work hours. Then Sunday we'll be spending some time in our spare bedroom, getting it cleaned up and organized, so that the boys have someplace to stay when they get here next weekend!! Yes, we get them next weekend, and we're both really excited about it. But first, we've got to get their room looking more like a boys' bedroom, rather than a storage room/dump like it's currently being used...
So it will be a busy weekend, full of lots of hard work, but it will be worth it once we can swim in the pool, and enjoy our second bedroom with the boys for the next five weeks! Anyways, it was a good week, and I'm sure we'll have a good weekend. Hope y'all do too!