Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pantene, Pandora & Pinterest - First Things First

Happy Tuesday lovies! Today is of course one of my favorite blogging days, because it's my weekly First Things First link-up! And today as usual we have some great new co-hosts for the week as well! Today's co-hosts are Rachel at Postcards from Rachel and Tasha at A Lott to Love. Rachel is one of my good blog-friends, and I feel like we bonded over our love for books and reading. (Hopefully she feels the same ;) Haha) And Tasha is a relatively new blogger, but she's really starting to get the hang of it, and she's a pretty cool chick too :)

And today's (slightly random) first topics are:

First Pinterest project or recipe you attempted (failure or success!)
First random song that pops up on your iTunes or Pandora
First product you use in the shower

First Pinterest project or recipe I attempted
Well, technically the first thing I accomplished via Pinterest was purchasing a ring on Etsy, that I first pinned and then loved enough to buy. It was perfect, and I wore it every day for about a year and a half until I recently replaced it with my beautiful engagement ring!! But the first thing I actually did from Pinterest was make some amazingly delicious Dulce de Leche filled Banana cupcakes with Browned Butter Cream Cheese Frosting for my friend Sara's birthday! I let her look through my cupcake board (I love making completely homemade cupcakes!), and pick which ones sounded the best, and then I made them as part of her 25th birthday present! (Actually, since then I've done a lot of other stuff from Pinterest. In fact, I have a board dedicated to stuff that I've Already Accomplished via Pinterest, that pins get moved to once I've tried them!) Below is the process of making those cupcakes, for my first attempt from Pinterest!

The whole process of the fancy cupcakes! Maybe I should make a recipe post sometime soon!?!

First random song that pops up on my iTunes
"To Whom it May Concern" by the Civil Wars. This was the song that was playing on my iTunes, when I first opened it up just now! And that's not surprising to me, because I absolutely love them, and listen to them quite often. And it makes me so sad they they're kind of broken up right now. (No one will really say what's going on...) They were even supposed to come here to do a concert here in Tally, and I even wrote a post about it I was so excited! But then they cancelled, and that stunk big time. I hope they can get themselves put back together, because I want more music from them!!

First product I use in the shower
That would be my Pantene Pro-V shampoo, for curly hair! My hair isn't technically "curly," it's probably considered more "wavey," but this shampoo gives it a little extra pizzazz in the curl department! And of course it smells delicious and takes great care of my locks. :) And not that this was a part of the question, but I'm going to share my routine, because I'm a bit OCD about it, and it basically never varies. Put shampoo in, wash my face, rinse my face off, rinse shampoo out. Put conditioner in, wash my body, rinse my body, rinse the conditioner out. Shaving my legs is always last, but definitely not an everyday occurrence. In the summer, it might be every other day, but in the winter, it's more like once or twice a week... I just hate doing it guys. Don't judge me.

If you'd like to join in on this fun link up, check out the super simple 'rules' below, and get to writing! Can't wait to see all the new link ups this week, meet new friends, and read y'all's posts!

1. Write your own post about this week's topics
2. Please follow me, as well as this week's co-hosts, Rachel & Tasha.
3. Put the new button on your post or somewhere on your blog
4. Link up with us! (Link will appear on all three blogs.)
5. Visit some of the other links, and share the love with them on their posts!
6. Spread the word on Twitter and/or Facebook

And if you'd like to prepare and get ready for next week's First Things First link up, start by checking out next week's awesome co-hosts, Emily at Be Blessed, Y'all and Breanna at Counting Blessings.
1. First movie you went to see without your parents
2. First sport you played (either little league style or otherwise)
3. First major injury


Tasha Lott said...

I may have to try some of that shampoo. My hair is like a weird place between straight and wavy that just looks awful. I have to straighten it to wear it down. I'm thinking that shampoo might help me out a little!

Stephanie + Walter said...

In the winter I'm lucky if I shave my legs once a week. I don't see the point if I'm wearing pants every day lol

Aimee said...

Those cupcakes look so yummy. That shampoo sounds like something I should try- the waves in my hair do whatever they feel like everyday. Usually just flat iron.
xoxo Aimee

anothercleanslate said...

I will have to link up next week!

Brianne said...

I love the Civil Wars!

Timbuckto said...

You and your pizzazz. Love you!

Rachel said...

That Etsy ring is so pretty! I've been wanting a similar one for a while now.

And don't worry, I barely shave my legs. Hahaha. I hate doing it too.

Thanks for having me!

Moonlight Brunch said...

I love how the Pantene shampoo smells. I'm actually using the one for volume. It doesn't do much. But as soon as I finish the current bottle I will be searching for a new shampoo.

Halie Renee said...

Oh ya know, just testing out this reply system you're so stubborn about.